Group: B
risk for mental health condition

1. Do you feel suspicious about people intentions or feel like they are talking about you or planning to harm you or watching you?
0.00% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

2. Do you hear voices which are inaudible to others?
9.09% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

3. Do you feel sad most of the day, every day?
18.18% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

4. Do you experience lack of interest in activities which were previously pleasurable?
27.27% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

5. Do you feel anxious, worried excessively?
36.36% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

6. Do you get palpitations, tremulousness of hands and body and/or excessive sweating?
45.45% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

7. Do you feel excessively happy and elated without any apparent reason?
54.55% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

8. Do you experience any sleep disturbances?
63.64% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

9. Do you feel that life is not worth living and that it is better to die?
72.73% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

10. Do you feel any difficulty in sustaining attention and concentration and find it difficult to sit in one place?
81.82% complete. keep it up!

Group: B
risk for mental health condition

11. Do you lose your temper and/or turn aggressive/violent?
90.91% complete. keep it up!