starMental Health App for self assessment

Making Student life easy

Empowering Minds


About this Research

Comparative Test

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Start your mental health assessment

Cautionary Notice for Users:

Please note that participation in these assessments is entirely voluntary and based on your free will. It is important that you do not take the test under any pressure from others. Before proceeding, we encourage you to carefully read the full information about these tests, their purpose, and what actions are required afterward. For students aged 16 to 18 years, it is advised that you take the screening test with your parents' involvement and presence, not independently. Parental consent is necessary to ensure that your parents are fully informed about your participation and the results of the self-assessment. While we understand that you may feel hesitant to share certain details in the presence of others, it is crucial that your parents are aware of your mental health and understand the steps you are taking to evaluate it. For students aged 18 years and above , as adults, you have the right to make individual decisions, including providing consent and performing the test on your own. You may download and review the report independently. However, it is highly recommended that you follow the advice provided in the report. We encourage you to discuss your results with your parents, share your thoughts with them, and seek their input. Additionally, speaking with your mentors or teachers can provide further insight and support. Please remember that seeking help promptly is important and delaying it can be harmful. Your parents are often your best allies, and they are the first people who can offer support during times of difficulty.

star Project Overview

About the Project.

Welcome to our innovative project aimed at supporting students in navigating the challenges of academic and personal life while promoting their mental health and well-being. Our project focuses on facilitating self-assessment for mental health issues in four critical areas: stress levels, presence of psychiatric disorders or symptoms, mental health risk, and mental strength. Through a simple and user-friendly methodology, we aim to empower students to understand their challenges better, access appropriate support, and embark on a journey towards improved well-being. We invite you to register and complete our questionnaire. This questionnaire is ...

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